
Platform Administration

We fret over the details and the mundane so that you can focus on delighting your customers

Smarter offers the kinds of configuration options that enterprise customers have come to reasonably expect. And if that's overkill in your case then that's perfectly fine as well, because we also offer a simple, easy-to-use SaaS platform that'll get you up and running in no time. And regardless, lets both hope that someday you'll grow into needing everything that Smarter offers its largest enterprise customers.


SaaS or On-Premise Installation Options

We get it. There are lots of reasons why you cannot or do not want to use a generative AI SaaS platform. That's why We offer a variety of deployment options beyond our flagship SaaS platform, including on-premise, private cloud, and hybrid cloud. We also offer a variety of support schemes for these, ranging from fully managed to self-managed. And in all cases the team at Smarter has you covered with timely access to codebase updates, security patches, and new features. You always have unfettered access to our near-daily Dockerhub updates, and we're always available to help you with your deployments and upgrades.

Complete Audit Trails

Smarter Journal sits at the heart of the Smarter platform. It provides a comprehensive audit trail of ALL user interactions with the platform, and we've gone to great lengths to make it work at scale. The Smarter Journal stores EVERY request, and its response in a configurable cold storage solution, that works with your choice of SQL databases, NoSQL databases, flat file, and cloud storage solutions like AWS S3. It can even be integrated to AWS CloudWatch. The data retention policy is up to you, and we've made it easy to configure.

Lets hope that the need never arises, but if it does, then we've made it easy to export the Journal data in a variety of formats, including CSV, JSON, and XML. And depending on how much data we're talking about, and how urgently you need it, we can express ship it to you on a variety of different media devices.

You're In Control

You remain in real-time control of your deployed AI resources at all times. Your account admins (ie your own employees) can manage the complete lifecycle of all of your AI resources, all of the time, regardless of who authored these. If you ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being vexed by what one your organization's AI resources is doing, you or any of your admins can take immediate corrective action to undeploy it, or tune it in real time.

User Management

Your organization can create and manage an unlimited number of users, and we provide batch management tools to make it easy to manage them. We also provide multiple user roles, including and admin role. You are in complete control over the user activation status, usage policy, and password policy.

Lets suppose for example, that you are a large education organization and you need to create user accounts for several thousand students, every semester, we've got you covered. We even provide a variety of data download and reporting tools that are designed to assist you in managing your users' account lifecycle.

Api Key Management

Your organization's admin users can generate and manage an unlimited number of API keys using the Smarter CLI. They maintain complete editorial control over how these keys are used, and can revoke them at any time. We also provide a variety of tools to help you manage your API keys, including a key rotation tool, and a key usage reporting tool.

Your organization's users can optionally attach Api keys to their Smarter AI resources in order to restrict access to them.

Budget & Cost Controls

Smarter provides a variety of tools to help you manage your budget and costs. These include a budgeting tool, a cost reporting tool, and a real-time cost forecasting tool for the current billing period. You can establish a budget for your organization, and we'll provide you with real-time updates and alerts on how you're tracking against it. We also provide a variety of cost controls, including a cost cap, and a cost alerting tool.

independent of your budgeting policies, the Smarter platform monitors outlying usage patterns and will alert you if it detects any unusual usage patterns from your users.

Content Moderation

Smarter provides a variety of tools to help you moderate inbound prompt requests on your AI resources. Similar to our unified LLM access program for text prompting, we also provide a variety of moderation tools from respected third-party providers including for example Azure Cognitive Services, Google Cloud Vision, and Amazon Rekognition.

We're especially excited to be able to offer you bespoke moderation tools that are have developed exclusively for the Smarter platform by our development partners. These tools are designed to be performant, and to work at scale. They are also configurable, and several of these are designed to adapt to your organization's unique content moderation policies.

Unified Service-Level Access