
Command-Line Interface Quick Reference

The Smarter CLI is an open source Golang project that provides a terminal-based, command-line interface for working with Smarter cloud resources. The CLI is available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux operating systems. The CLI is a powerful tool for prompt engineers and developers that simplifies manfiest-based management of Smarter resources.

The Smarter CLI interacts with API resources, including ChatBots, Plugins, SqlConnections, Users, ApiKeys, and others. See the API Technical Reference for additional information. It requires a Smarter API key to authenticate with the Smarter API. The initial key is proportioned by the Smarter platform when your account is activated and can be configured using the smarter configure command. You can use the cli to generate and manage additional API keys for your account as needed.


Configure the CLI with your Smarter API key, account number, and other options using the command smarter configure . The Smarter CLI configuration file is stored locally at $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml and can be edited manually if needed. The configuration file is in yaml format and contains the following fields, noting that the config file supports multiple environments for on-premise installations and for members of the Smarter platform beta program:

    account_number: 3141-5926-5359
    environment: alpha
    output_format: yaml
    api_key: c8fad3f69d552bf1cad15e--YOUR-API-KEY--2ea9f860677c5a05f2d9e9de4
    session_key: b04631331e407--A-CHAT-SESSION-KEY--cec699051d9beb0b5fe8fef4
    api_key: 548de94bc4f1762c64732d--ANOTHER-API-KEY--9f7e3be91f1662d5456ae1
    session_key: e0034b04631331e--ANOTHER-SESSION-KEY--ec699051d9beb0b5fe8fef44143
    api_key: 94bc4f1762c64732d--YET-ANOTHER-API-KEY--9f7e3be91f1662d5456ae1
    session_key: b04631331e--YET-ANOTHER-SESSION-KEY--ec699051d9beb0b5fe8fef44143

Commands At A Glance

A command-line interface for working with Smarter resources.
Using the smarter cli, you can create Smarter plugins, add these to a ChatBot,
and deploy the ChatBot to a custom URL. You can interact with the ChatBot
on the command line, view chat log data, and manage your Smarter account.
Support: and

  smarter [command]

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply a Smarter manifest
  chat        Chat with a deployed ChatBot
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  configure   Configure the smarter command-line interface
  delete      Permanently delete a Smarter resource
  deploy      Deploy a resource
  describe    Return a manifest for the resource kind
  get         Generate a list of Smarter resources
  help        Help about any command
  logs        Returns the logs for a resource
  manifest    Generate an example manifest for the resource kind
  status      Retrieve real-time status of the Smarter Platform
  undeploy    Undo a Smarter resource deployment.
  version     Retrieve version information
  whoami      Retrieve information about the api_key owner

      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -h, --help                   help for smarter
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Apply a Smarter manifest:

smarter apply -f  --dry-run

The Smarter API will apply the manifest to the Smarter account,
migrating the resource to the new state. The --json and --yaml
flags will output the manifest in the specified format. The
--dry-run flag will simulate the apply without making any changes.

  smarter apply -f  --dry-run [flags]

  -f, --filename string   Path and filename of the manifest to apply
  -h, --help              help for apply

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output


Chat with a deployed ChatBot:

smarter chat  [flags]

The Smarter API will send the prompt to a deployed ChatBot and
then echo its response to the console.

  smarter chat [command]

Available Commands:
  config      Retrieve the ReactJS app configuration for a ChatBot
  prompt      Prompt a ChatBot and echo its response to the console

  -c, --chatbot string   the name of a deployed ChatBot
  -h, --help             help for chat
  -n, --new_session      start a new session

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter chat [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Generate the autocompletion script for smarter for the specified shell.
See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.

  smarter completion [command]

Available Commands:
  bash        Generate the autocompletion script for bash
  fish        Generate the autocompletion script for fish
  powershell  Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
  zsh         Generate the autocompletion script for zsh

  -h, --help   help for completion

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter completion [command] --help" for more information about a command.



Configure the smarter command-line interface:

smarter configure

Set your account_number, username, api_key and application options.

  smarter configure [flags]

  -a, --account_number string   Smarter account number
  -k, --api_key string          Smarter cli secret key (64-character hash)
  -h, --help                    help for configure
  -o, --output_format string    Output format (json, yaml)
  -u, --username string         username (how you login to the Smarter web console)

Global Flags:
      --config string        config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string   environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -v, --verbose              verbose output


Permanently delete a Smarter resource:

smarter delete   --dry-run

The Smarter API will permanently delete the resource.

  smarter delete [command]

Available Commands:
  apiconnection Delete a PluginDataApiConnection
  apikey        Delete a SmarterAuthToken
  chat          Delete a chat history
  chatbot       Delete a ChatBot
  plugin        Delete a Plugin
  sqlconnection Delete a PluginDataSqlConnection
  user          Delete a user from your account

  -h, --help   help for delete

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter delete [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Deploys a resource:

smarter deploy   [flags]

The Smarter API will deploy the resource.

  smarter deploy [command]

Available Commands:
  chatbot     Deploy a ChatBot

  -h, --help   help for deploy

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter deploy [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Returns a manifest for the resource kind. For example:

  smarter describe   > my-plugin.yaml

This will generate a manifest for the specified kind of resource and write it to my-plugin.yaml in the current working directory.

  smarter describe [command]

Available Commands:
  account       Retrieve your Account manifest
  apiconnection Retrieve a PluginDataApiConnection manifest by name
  apikey        Retrieve a SmarterAuthToken manifest by name
  chatbot       Retrieve a ChatBot manifest by name
  plugin        Retrieve a manifest for a Plugin
  sqlconnection Retrieve a PluginDataSqlConnections manifest by name
  user          Retrieve a manifest for a User

  -h, --help   help for describe

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter describe [command] --help" for more information about a command.



smarter get [kind] [flags]

The Smarter API will return a list of resources in the specified format,
or a manifest for a specific resource.

  smarter get [command]

Available Commands:
  account           Retrieve your Account manifest
  apiconnections    Retrieve a list of PluginDataApiConnections
  apikeys           Retrieve a list of SmarterAuthTokens
  chat-history      Retrieve the chat history for a session_id
  chat-plugin-usage Retrieve the chat plugin usage for a session_id
  chat-tool-calls   Retrieve the chat tool calls for a session_id
  chatbots          Retrieve a list of ChatBots
  chats             Retrieve a list of Chats
  plugins           Retrieve a list of Plugins
  sqlconnections    Retrieve a list of PluginDataSqlConnections
  users             Retrieve a list of Users

      --asc     Sort results in ascending order
      --desc    Sort results in descending order
  -h, --help    help for get
      --i int   Number of resources to retrieve (default 10)

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter get [command] --help" for more information about a command.



Returns the logs for a resource:

smarter logs  

Returns the logs for the resource  .

  smarter logs [command]

Available Commands:
  chat         Returns the logs for a Chat session_id
  chat-history Returns the logs for a ChatHistory session_id
  chatbot      Returns the logs for a ChatBot

  -h, --help   help for logs

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter logs [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Generate an example manifest for the resource kind. For example:

  smarter manifest  [flags] > my-plugin.yaml

This will generate an example manifest for the specified kind of resource and write it to my-plugin.yaml in the current working directory.

  smarter manifest [command]

Available Commands:
  account       Retrieve your Account manifest
  apiconnection Generate an example manifest for a PluginDataApiConnection.
  apikey        Generate an example manifest for a SmarterAuthToken.
  chat          Generate an example manifest for a chat session.
  chatbot       Generate an example manifest for a ChatBot
  plugin        Generate an example manifest for a plugin.
  sqlconnection Generate an example manifest for a PluginDataSqlConnection.
  user          Generate an example manifest for a user.

  -h, --help   help for manifest

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter manifest [command] --help" for more information about a command.



Retrieve real-time status of the Smarter Platform:

smarter status [flags]

The Smarter API will return the current status of the Smarter Platform,
including the status of all services and resources by region.

  smarter status [flags]

  -h, --help   help for status

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output


Undo a Smarter resource deployment. For example:

smarter undeploy  

The Smarter API will undo the deployment of the resource.

  smarter undeploy [command]

Available Commands:
  chatbot     Undo a ChatBot deployment.

  -h, --help   help for undeploy

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output

Use "smarter undeploy [command] --help" for more information about a command.



Retrieve version information:

smarter version

Returns version information about this software.

  smarter version [flags]

  -h, --help   help for version

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output


Retrieve information about the api_key owner:

smarter whoami [flags]

Returns informtation about the Smarter user account that owns the
configured api_key.

  smarter whoami [flags]

  -h, --help   help for whoami

Global Flags:
      --api_key string         Smarter API key to use
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.smarter/config.yaml)
      --environment string     environment to use: local, alpha, beta, next, prod. Default is prod
  -o, --output_format string   output format: json, yaml
  -v, --verbose                verbose output