

So Simple. So Powerful

Smarter plugins are built on a Large Language Model (LLM) API edge feature generally referred to as, "Function Calling", that a growing population of LLM's include in their APIs. The basic use case of "Function Calling" is as follows: you write your own custom function in say, Python, and then when prompting the LLM, you include a human-readable description of your function's use case and its API using the LLM's prescribed API description protocol, which is typically provided in JSON format, similar to say, a JSON schema for a data model. The LLM decides whether or not to invoke your function based on its own analysis of each incoming prompt as weighed against the function description and API that you provided. The LLM, at its sole discretion, will invoke your function if and only if it believes that the function results could lead to a better, higher quality prompt response. Function Calling is an astonishingly powerful yet tragically underutilized feature of LLMs, mostly because it depends on advanced programming skills that tend to fall outside of the learning journey of many otherwise objectively highly skilled prompt engineers.

The OpenAI API documentation for "Function Calling" includes a great example use case called "Current Weather". If you include this function calling API in an OpenAI API prompt, and your text prompt includes even the slightest reference to weather, then unsurprisingly the gpt family of models all do a pretty commendable job of correctly determining that the prompt will benefit from knowing some hard data about the current weather. Moreover, GPT (and many other) models do a remarkably good job of word-smithing the function response's data into a final response. Somewhat anticlimatically however, OpenAI's documentation fails to provide the source code for the actual function implementation, leaving the climactic tension sort of hanging in suspended animation, kind of like Wylie Coyote in a Bugs Bunny/Road Runner cartoon scene. But not to worry, we did that for you! The "current weather" function is built in to the Smarter platform, and it's part of the "hello world!" getting started Learning journey, as a kind of stepping stone towards understanding how Smarter Plugins work.

Back to the problem at hand. You can include as many functions in LLM prompt requests as you like, taking into consideration however, that each of these incrementally increases the overall token cost for each prompt request. And therein lies the conundrum. Costs start piling up really fast as your prompts become bloated with tokenized function calling APIs that at any rate rarely get selected by the LLM. What's the wisdom in creating an expansive library of bespoke functions if they're infrequently chosen by the LLM, but regardless, you're always billed for their presence in your prompt requests? Answer to follow, in just a moment.

Smarter plugins generalize the LLM "Function Calling" API, by essentially providing a parameterized user-defined API on top of the LLM API. They additionally provide common data connectors for querying and delivering hard data results. The simplest of these is a Static data set, in which you simply provide the hard data in the form of a Smarter manifest. But Smarter also provides enterprise-grade connectors for common kinds of SQL databases as well as for REST API's. Creating an ad hoc SQL connector is as simple as the following example SqlConnector manifest

    kind: SqlConnection
      description: points to the Django mysql database. db_engine choices: django.db.backends.postgresql,
      django.db.backends.mysql,, django.db.backends.sqlite3,
      django.db.backends.mssql, django.db.backends.sybase
      name: exampleConnection
      version: 0.1.0
        database: smarter
        db_engine: django.db.backends.mysql
        hostname: smarter-mysql
        password: smarter
        port: 3306
        username: smarter

And so, spoiler alert: You can create a Smarter Plugin that does exactly what the "current weather" custom Python function does; the big difference being that you can get the same result without needing to know how to program in Python, plus, it becomes a drop-in addition to all of your Smarter Chatbot(s). And for the avoidance of any doubt, that is a big deal because Smarter ChatBots run at scale, without you having to do anything.

Smarter Plugin Selectors give you the ability to include any plugin that MIGHT be useful, but you only pay when it's exceedingly likely that the plugin will be chosen and invoked by the LLM. Pretty cool!

And now, the answer to the "Function Calling" costing conundrum: Smarter Plugin Selectors.

Case Study: Let's suppose that you work in Hospitality, and that you've been tasked with creating a "Concierge" chatbot for the famous Mandarin Oriental resort in Bangkok, Thailand. Obviously, you chose to design, test and implement your chatbot solution with Smarter. Great choice!!! Now, lets further suppose that you created say, 75 Smarter Plugins that are designed to provide accurate, granular responses to a variety of different kinds of guest inquiries ranging from spa services, to room requests, to exotic day trip excursions. Your plugins use SQL and REST API connectors to wire your plugins directly to the resort's internal information systems, so that results are always timely and accurate. Remember that the one thing that LLMs are especially good at is connecting dots. Your guest inquires about "X", and you inform the LLM that you have a function that returns information about "X", and the LLM takes care of the rest. And it tends to be REALLY GOOD at this. But obviously, you don't want to pass all 50 functions for Every. Single. Prompt. Smarter Selectors are the solution to this conundrum. Plugin Selectors provide a common-sense mechanism for analyzing each incoming prompt, and then determining, on-the-fly, which of these (if any) make sense to include in the prompt. You can build a Smarter Plugin Selector with a variety of selection directives ranging from something as simple as a keyword search to something much more sophisticated such as a natural language processing query; or even some combination of these. You're constrained only by your own creative genius.