
Code Management Best Practices

This microservice fully conforms to 12-Factor methodology . Moreover, this repo is used as an instrutional tool for university courses as well as by multiple videos in my YouTube Channel , including various tutorials about good coding practices and good code management. Of note:

Unit Testing

This project includes an extensive collection of Python unit tests for verifying both the cloud infrastructure, its configuration, and of course, the Python code itself. As of Feb-2024 there are nearly 70 unit tests incorporated into the automated CI-CD processes (see below). In accordance with Python best practice, this project uses coverage to gauge the overall effectiveness of these tests.


Originally created in 2017, Pydantic has become the most widely used data validation library for Python. It is especially useful for data driven applications like this one, involving frequent integrations with a variety of cloud infrastructure services in a variety of environments, configured by a variety of different possible sources of data including environment variables, .env file, terraform.tfvars and system constants. We use it for the Settings class in this project, and also for validating yaml plugins for the OpenAI Function Calling feature. It's an important addition because it enforces strong type and business rule validation checking of all of the configuration parameters for the AWS Lambdas, and it ensures that nothing ever changes these values at run-time once they've been set. And this in turn is important because erroneous automation code could otherwise lead to some wildly disastrous results. 😳


We leverage automations using Github Actions, third party services, make, bash and anything else that might become freely available to the project in future. As a community-supported code project, automations are important for minimizing the effort required by our committers to keep this code shippable. But it's also an important component of our strategy for maintaining high quality standards. Automations give us the ability to do more work, more consistently, and with less effort.

Of note:

  • Automated Pull Requests : Github Actions are triggered on pull requests to run any of several different kinds of technology-specific unit tests depending on the contents of the commits included in the PR.
  • python-dotenv for storing sensitive data for local development
  • .gitignore ensures that no sensitive nor useless data accidentally gets pushed to GitHub.
  • tox.ini file for configuring behaviors of Python testing tools
  • GitHub Actions automates unit testing, semantic release rule checking, and dependabot actions.
  • GitHub Secrets to provide sensitive data to Github Actions workflows
  • GitHub Issues
  • Makefile automates procedures like init, build, test, release and linting for Python, ReactJS and Terraform.
  • pre-commit automatically enforces a multitude of code quality, coding style and security policies.
  • Dependabot automatically updates the version pins of code library dependencies for Python, ReactJS and Terraform.
  • Unit Tests are automated and can be invoked
  • manually from the command line
  • manually from GitHub Actions
  • automatically by Dependabot.
  • Mergify automates processing of bot-created pull requests
  • Semantic Release automates version releases as well as maintains the change log for the repo.
  • Change Log

Linters and Formatters

Linters and formatters are tools used in programming to analyze and improve the quality of code. This project leverages several, including:

Code Formatting

  • Prettier : an opinionated code formatter that supports many file formats and languages. This project leverages Prettier to standardize formatting of md, css, json, yml, js, jsx and Typescript files.
  • Black : an opinionated code formatter for Python which is compatible with PEP 8 and the Python Style Guide .
  • isort : a Python utility that sorts imports alphabetically, and automatically, separated into sections and by type.

Code Analysis

  • ESLint : an open source project that helps you find and fix problems with your JavaScript and JSX code.
  • Flake8 : provides Python syntax checking, naming style enforcement, code style enforcement, and cyclomatic complexity analysis.
  • pylint : a static code analyser for Python. It analyses your code without actually running it. It checks for errors, enforces a coding standard, looks for code smells, and can make suggestions about how the code could be refactored.
  • bandit : a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.

Pre-commit hooks

  • pre-commit Hooks : scripts that run automatically before each commit is made to a repository, checking your code for embedded passwords, errors, issues, and any of a multitude of configurable policies that you can optionally enforce. They're part of the git hooks system, which allows you to trigger actions at certain points in git's execution. This project uses many Hooks. See pre-commit-config.yaml .
  • codespell : fixes common misspellings in text files. It's designed primarily for checking misspelled words in source code, but it can be used with other files as well.

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