This is the Makefile for which you can use as a reference to for how what version of Python we are using, and how we initialize our local development environments.
SHELL := /bin/bash include .env export PATH := /usr/local/bin:$(PATH) export ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) PYTHON := python.exe ACTIVATE_VENV := venv\Scripts\activate else PYTHON := python3.12 ACTIVATE_VENV := source venv/bin/activate endif PIP := $(PYTHON) -m pip ifneq ("$(wildcard .env)","") else $(shell cp ./doc/example-dot-env .env) endif .PHONY: init activate build run clean tear-down lint analyze coverage release pre-commit-init pre-commit-run python-init python-activate python-lint python-clean python-test react-init react-lint react-update react-run react-build docker-compose-install docker-init docker-build docker-run docker-collectstatic docker-test python-init python-lint python-clean keen-init keen-build keen-server react-clean react-init react-lint react-update react-run react-build help # Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. all: help # initialize local development environment. # takes around 5 minutes to complete init: make check-python # verify Python 3.11 is installed make docker-check # verify Docker is installed and running make tear-down # start w a clean environment make python-init # create/replace Python virtual environment and install dependencies make docker-build # build Docker containers make docker-run # start all Docker containers make docker-init # initialize MySQL and create the smarter database make pre-commit-init # install and configure pre-commit activate: ./scripts/ # complete Docker build. Performs all 13 steps of the build process regardless of current state. # takes around 4 minutes to complete build: make docker-build # run the web application from Docker # takes around 30 seconds to complete run: make docker-run clean: make python-clean make react-clean make terraform-clean make docker-prune # destroy all Docker build and local artifacts # takes around 1 minute to complete tear-down: make python-clean make docker-prune # --------------------------------------------------------- # Code management # --------------------------------------------------------- lint: make python-lint make react-lint analyze: cloc . --exclude-ext=svg,json,zip --fullpath --not-match-d=smarter/smarter/static/assets/ --vcs=git coverage: docker exec smarter-app bash -c "coverage run test && coverage report -m && coverage html" pre-commit-init: pre-commit install pre-commit autoupdate pre-commit-run: pre-commit run --all-files release: git commit -m "fix: force a new release" --allow-empty && git push # --------------------------------------------------------- # Docker # --------------------------------------------------------- docker-check: @docker ps >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "This project requires Docker but it's not running. Aborting."; exit 1; } docker-shell: make docker-check && \ docker exec -it smarter-app /bin/bash docker-compose-install: export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$$PATH" && \ if [ -f /usr/local/bin/docker-compose ]; then sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose; fi && \ sudo curl -L "" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && \ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && \ docker-compose --version docker-init: make docker-check && \ make docker-prune && \ echo "Building Docker images..." && \ make docker-compose-install && \ docker-compose up -d && \ echo "Initializing Docker..." && \ docker exec smarter-mysql bash -c "sleep 20; until echo '\q' | mysql -u smarter -psmarter; do sleep 10; done" && \ docker exec smarter-mysql mysql -u smarter -psmarter -e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS smarter; CREATE DATABASE smarter;' && \ docker exec smarter-app bash -c "\ python makemigrations && python migrate && \ python initialize_waffle && \ python create_smarter_admin --username admin --email --password smarter && \ python create_user --account_number 3141-5926-5359 --username staff_user --email --password smarter --admin && \ python create_user --account_number 3141-5926-5359 --username customer_user --email --password smarter && \ python add_plugin_examples admin && \ python verify_dns_configuration && \ python deploy_demo_api && \ python seed_chat_history && \ python load_from_github --account_number 3141-5926-5359 --username admin --url && \ python initialize_wagtail" && \ echo "Docker and Smarter are initialized." && \ docker ps docker-build: make docker-check && docker-compose build docker-run: make docker-check && \ docker-compose up docker-collectstatic: make docker-check && \ docker-compose up -d && \ (cd smarter/smarter/apps/chatapp/reactapp/ && npm run build) && \ (docker exec smarter-app bash -c "python collectstatic --noinput") && \ docker-compose down docker-test: make docker-check && \ docker exec smarter-app bash -c "./ test" docker-prune: make docker-check && \ docker-compose down && \ rm -rf ./mysql-data && \ find ./ -name celerybeat-schedule -type f -exec rm -f {} + && \ docker system prune -a --volumes && \ docker volume prune -f && \ docker builder prune -a -f && \ docker network prune -f && \ images=$$(docker images -q) && [ -n "$$images" ] && docker rmi $$images -f || echo "No images to remove" # --------------------------------------------------------- # Python # --------------------------------------------------------- check-python: @command -v $(PYTHON) >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "This project requires $(PYTHON) but it's not installed. Aborting."; exit 1; } python-init: mkdir -p .pypi_cache && \ make check-python make python-clean && \ npm install && \ $(PYTHON) -m venv venv && \ $(ACTIVATE_VENV) && \ PIP_CACHE_DIR=.pypi_cache $(PIP) install --upgrade pip && \ PIP_CACHE_DIR=.pypi_cache $(PIP) install -r smarter/requirements/local.txt python-lint: make check-python make pre-commit-run pylint smarter/smarter python-clean: rm -rf venv find ./smarter/ -name __pycache__ -type d -exec rm -rf {} + # --------------------------------------------------------- # Keen # --------------------------------------------------------- keen-init: cd keen_v3.0.6/tools && npm install --global yarn && \ npm install gulp@^4.0.2 && \ npm install gulp-cli && \ gulp --version keen-build: cd keen_v3.0.6/tools && \ yarn && \ gulp --demo1 keen-server: cd keen_v3.0.6/tools && \ gulp localhost # --------------------------------------------------------- # React app # --------------------------------------------------------- react-clean: rm -rf node_modules rm -rf react/node_modules rm -rf react/dist react-init: make react-clean npm install cd ./smarter/smarter/apps/chatapp/reactapp/ && npm install && npm init @eslint/config react-lint: cd ./react && npm run lint # npx prettier --write "./smarter/smarter/apps/chatapp/reactapp/src/**/*.{js,cjs,jsx,ts,tsx,json,css,scss,md}" react-update: npm install -g npm npm install -g npm-check-updates ncu --upgrade --packageFile ./smarter/smarter/apps/chatapp/reactapp/package.json npm update -g npm install ./smarter/smarter/apps/chatapp/reactapp/ react-run: cd ./smarter/smarter/apps/chatapp/reactapp/ && npm run dev react-build: cd ./smarter/smarter/apps/chatapp/reactapp/ && npm run build # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AWS and deployment # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- helm-update: cd helm/charts/smarter && \ helm dependency update ###################### # HELP ###################### help: @echo '====================================================================' @echo 'init - Initialize local and Docker environments' @echo 'activate - activates Python virtual environment' @echo 'build - Build Docker containers' @echo 'run - run web application from Docker' @echo 'clean - delete all local artifacts, virtual environment, node_modules, and Docker containers' @echo 'tear-down - destroy all docker build and local artifacts' @echo '<************************** Code Management **************************>' @echo 'lint - Run all code linters and formatters' @echo 'analyze - Generate code analysis report using cloc' @echo 'coverage - Generate Docker-based code coverage analysis report' @echo 'pre-commit-init - install and configure pre-commit' @echo 'pre-commit-run - runs all pre-commit hooks on all files' @echo 'release - Force a new Github release' @echo '<************************** AWS **************************>' @echo 'helm-update - Update Helm chart dependencies' @echo '<************************** Python **************************>' @echo 'python-init - Create a Python virtual environment and install dependencies' @echo 'python-lint - Run Python linting using pre-commit' @echo 'python-clean - Destroy the Python virtual environment and remove __pycache__ directories' @echo '<************************** Docker **************************>' @echo 'docker-init - Initialize MySQL and create the smarter database' @echo 'docker-build - Build all Docker containers using docker-compose' @echo 'docker-run - Start all Docker containers using docker-compose' @echo 'docker-compose-install - Install Docker Compose' @echo 'docker-collectstatic - Run Django collectstatic in Docker' @echo 'docker-test - Run Python-Django unit tests in Docker' @echo '<************************** Keen **************************>' @echo 'keen-init - Install gulp, yarn and dependencies for Keen' @echo 'keen-build - Build Keen app using gulp' @echo 'keen-server - Start local Keen web server using gulp' @echo '<************************** React **************************>' @echo 'react-clean - Remove node_modules directories for React app' @echo 'react-init - Run npm install for React app' @echo 'react-lint - Run npm lint for React app' @echo 'react-update - Update npm packages for React app' @echo 'react-run - Run the React app in development mode' @echo 'react-build - Build the React app for production' @echo '===================================================================='