Python Package Dependencies
Smarter Platform is a Python-Django micro-service application. Below is a list of the requirements and version pins for packages included in this environment. Note that we bump version pins on a monthly basis on the first of each month to our alpha branch. Version bumps follow the normal CI-CD workflow to arrive into the production environment, and that this takes an indertiminate amount of time before these ultimately arrive into the production environment. If you are developing your solution in Python then you can use this list to ensure that your development environment is in sync with the Smarter Platform.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # These packages run inside of the Docker app/worker containers. # To the extent that you might have concerns about platform specific # issues, you can refer to Dockerfile in the root of this repo. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # python stuff # ------------ setuptools==75.5.0 # General back end # ------------ boto3==1.36.11 # AWS CLI SDK botocore # AWS CLI SDK cachetools==5.5.2 # Python object caching library celery==5.4.0 # asynchronous task queue. works with redis. celery-redbeat==2.2.0 # scheduled asynchronous tasks dnspython==2.7.0 # DNS toolkit for Python inflect==7.4.0 # Pluralization and singularization htmlmin==0.1.12 # HTML minification, for browser performance optimization mysqlclient==2.2.7 # MySQL client requests==2.32.3 # HTTP requests library requests-cache==1.2.1 # HTTP requests caching retry-requests==2.0.0 # HTTP requests retry social-auth-app-django==5.4.2 # Social authentication for Django tldextract==5.1.3 # Extracts the top-level domain from a URL validators==0.34.0 # Data validation library whitenoise==6.8.2 # static file serving # Django # ------------ Django==5.1.7 django-extensions==3.2.3 django-debug-toolbar==5.0.1 django-redis==5.4.0 # object caching django-celery-beat==2.7.0 # scheduled asynchronous tasks djangorestframework==3.15.2 # for creating REST APIs on top of Django django-filter==24.1 # REST API filtering django-taggit==5.0.1 # Smarter Plugin tagging django-rest-knox==5.0.2 # Token authentication for REST APIs dj-stripe==2.9.0 # Stripe card processing integration django-cors-headers==4.6.0 # Cross-origin resource sharing django-waffle==4.2.0 # Feature flagging # for working with data # ------------ pandas==2.2.3 # Data manipulation for data science stuff python-dotenv==1.0.1 # for reading environment variables from .env files pydantic==2.9.2 # best data validation library ever! pydantic-settings==2.8.1 # settings management # LLM support # ------------ openai==1.61.1 # OpenAI API google-generativeai==0.8.4 # Google Generative AI API llamaai==0.1.27 # Llama AI API langchain==0.3.12 # LLM abstractions library for building complex workflows langchain-openai==0.2.12 # OpenAI plugin for Langchain # Natural language processing # ------------ pyyaml==6.0.2 # YAML parser python-Levenshtein==0.26.1 # Levenshtein distance calculation for LLMs nltk==3.9.1 # Natural Language Toolkit textblob==0.19.0 # Text processing library # weather function calling feature # ------------ googlemaps==4.10.0 # Google Maps API openmeteo-requests==1.2.0 # OpenMeteo API for weather data # for working with email # ------------ mailchimp-marketing==3.0.80 # Mailchimp API, for adding people to the mailing list # for platform documentation in /docs/ # ------------ beautifulsoup4==4.13.3 # HTML parser for Wagtail page compression docutils==0.21.2 # required by Django for django.contrib.admindocs drf-yasg==1.21.8 # Swagger API documentation lxml==5.2.2 # parser for Wagtail page compression markdown==3.6 # Markdown reader/parser python-hcl2==7.0.0 # Terraform hcl parser for reading Terraform tfvars files wagtail==6.4.1 # Wagail CMS, for building static pages wagtail-transfer==0.9.4 #