
This is Smarter's implementation of the Python function 'get_current_weather()' referenced in OpenAI API 'Function Calling' documentation: which oddly, they neglected to implement. It uses the Google Maps API for geocoding and the Open-Meteo API for weather data. Smarter's documentation refers to this function repeatedly. It returns the current weather in a given location as a 24-hour forecast. The function is called by the OpenAI API 'function calling' feature and returns a JSON object. This example is foundational to how the Smarter platform implements its Plugin feature, which is an abstraction layer enabling non-programmers to achieve the same kind of results.

OpenAI API example function:
This function returns the current weather in a given location as a 24-hour forecast.
The function is called by the OpenAI API and returns a JSON object.

Geocoding: Google Maps API

Open-Meteo API:

The Open-Meteo API is used to get the weather data. The API is rate-limited to 1 request per second. It is called with the
openmeteo_requests Python package, which is a wrapper for the requests package. It is used to cache the API responses
to avoid repeated API calls, and to retry failed API calls.

import json

import googlemaps
import openmeteo_requests
import pandas as pd
import requests_cache
from retry_requests import retry

from smarter.common.conf import settings

# Google Maps API key
gmaps = None
    gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=settings.google_maps_api_key)
# pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
except ValueError as value_error:
        f"Could not initialize Google Maps API. Setup the Google Geolocation API service: {value_error}"

# Make sure all required weather variables are listed here
# The order of variables in hourly or daily is important to assign them correctly below
WEATHER_API_CACHE_SESSION = requests_cache.CachedSession("/tmp/.cache", expire_after=3600)  # nosec
WEATHER_API_RETRY_SESSION = retry(WEATHER_API_CACHE_SESSION, retries=5, backoff_factor=0.2)

openmeteo = openmeteo_requests.Client(session=WEATHER_API_RETRY_SESSION)

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
def get_current_weather(location, unit="METRIC"):
    """Get the current weather in a given location as a 24-hour forecast"""
    if gmaps is None:
        retval = {
            "error": "Google Maps Geolocation service is not initialized. Setup the Google Geolocation API service:, and add your GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY to .env"
        return json.dumps(retval)

    unit = unit or "METRIC"
    location = location or "Cambridge, MA, near Kendall Square"
    latitude: float = 0.0
    longitude: float = 0.0
    address: str = None

    # use Google Maps API to get the latitude and longitude of the location
        geocode_result = gmaps.geocode(location)
        latitude = geocode_result[0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"] or 0
        longitude = geocode_result[0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"] or 0
        address = geocode_result[0]["formatted_address"]
        print(f"Getting weather for {address} ({latitude}, {longitude})")
    except googlemaps.exceptions.ApiError as api_error:
        print(f"Google Maps API error getting geo coordinates for {location}: {api_error}")
    # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An unexpected error occurred while getting geo coordinates for {location}: {e}")

    params = {
        "latitude": latitude,
        "longitude": longitude,
        "hourly": ["temperature_2m", "precipitation"],
        "current": ["temperature_2m"],
    responses = openmeteo.weather_api(WEATHER_API_URL, params=params)
    response = responses[0]

    # Process hourly data. The order of variables needs to be the same as requested.
    hourly = response.Hourly()
    hourly_temperature_2m = hourly.Variables(0).ValuesAsNumpy()
    hourly_precipitation_2m = hourly.Variables(1).ValuesAsNumpy()
    if unit.upper() == "USCS":
        hourly_temperature_2m = hourly_temperature_2m * 9 / 5 + 32
        hourly_precipitation_2m = hourly_precipitation_2m / 2.54

    hourly_data = {
        "date": pd.date_range(
            start=pd.to_datetime(hourly.Time(), unit="s"),
            end=pd.to_datetime(hourly.TimeEnd(), unit="s"),
    hourly_data["temperature"] = hourly_temperature_2m
    hourly_data["precipitation"] = hourly_precipitation_2m
    hourly_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=hourly_data).head(24)  # Only return the first 24 hours
    hourly_dataframe["date"] = hourly_dataframe["date"].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
    hourly_json = hourly_dataframe.to_json(orient="records")
    return json.dumps(hourly_json)

def weather_tool_factory():
    """Return a list of tools that can be called by the OpenAI API"""
    tool = {
        "type": "function",
        "function": {
            "name": "get_current_weather",
            "description": "Get the current weather in a given location",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "location": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
                    "unit": {"type": "string", "enum": ["METRIC", "USCS"]},
                "required": ["location"],
    return tool


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